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Daniel Holzleitner

Trombonist. Composer. Arranger. Educator.


Pics by Jazzwerkstatt Wien

Back on Track

Another summer filled with music is in the on to new shores. Slowly the creative juices start flowing again and I'm writing music for my own pleasure and imagining new projects...let's see how everything turns out.

I'm also looking forward to interesting music projects in fall, eg. with Orjazztra Vienna, Christoph Cech, a commission for Wien Modern...Check all upcoming dates here.

I'm particularly happy that I get to play with my beloved project 'Comprovisition' again after quite a while as part of the Jazzwerkstatt Wien 20-year-anniversary, happening 17.09.24 at WUK Museum, Vienna. We'll play some old hits and also some new ones :)

More infos on the Jazzwerkstatt Festival 'All the things you are' can be found here.

Hopefully see you around somewhere.

Pic by Dominik Fuss

New Year's speech

The beginning of a new year is always a good reason to walk down memory lane and to do some self reflection...

2023 has been quite a ride...played somewhere around 60-70 shows, did several recordings, wrote many comissions for compositions and arrangements besides doing my own stuff, spent countless hours in rehearsals and on the road etc...

Besides that I started a regular teaching job which also gave me the great opportunity to learn and grow.

But I'm also thinking ahead into the new year. The calendar is graually filling up with many in exciting sideman projects (take a look here) but I'm also thinking about my own projects and my artistic identity a lot. Didn't come to big conclusions yet but it's anyways a slow process and mostly I'm enjoying it :) 


Looking forward to 2024 and what it will have in store for us.

Pic by Simon Reithofer/Reithofer Media

Fall Dates 2023 

A hot and busy Summer is coming to an end and now I'm looking forward to play several shows in October and November in Austria and Germany eg. with Orjazztra Vienna, JBBG and other projects.

Take a look here to see where you can cath me live.



Welcome 2023 

2022 is history and there is a lot to be grateful about: I played so many concerts with amazing musicans in several countries across Europe, released my 2nd album, composed and arragned for my own projects and also for a lot of other people, finished my studies in Vienna and was able to grow on a musical as well as on a personal level.

Recently I was also happy to write a few commissioned pieces, eg. a chamber piece for the 'Ensemble Merve' and a Sonata for the 'Duo Edlbauer Kuzo'.
'Merve' will play my piece for the next time on 12.01.2023 in Vienna (Jesuitenkirche) and the Sonata will be premiered on 03.02.2023
 in Vienna (Alte Schmiede).
The magnificent Alois Eberl also asked me to compose a solopiece for trombone and wind band entitled 'Regen' which will be premiered on 23.04.2023 in Altmünster bei Neukirchen.

Anyways...2023 is also going to be full of musical highlights. Currently a lot of upcoming dates are still being planned.
I will continue updating this page with new dates (espicially with my own projects) in spring and the summer as soon as they're fixed and I'm looking forward to meet familiar as well as new faces :)

Autumn Shows 

After a pretty busy summer full of exciting projects I am looking forward to a pretty busy fall equally full of exciting projects.

Besides many appearances eg. with CCJOP, Orjazztra Vienna, JBBG...we'll also get to play 2 shows with 'Comprovisition' on Sept. 20th in Wels and Sept. 23rd in Vienna

More infos about all the concerts here.

Release Concerts 

To celebrate the release of 'Romantic Symmetry' we will host 3 concerts between July 7th and July 9th at the Strenge Kammer, Porgy&Bess in Vienna.

On each day we will present diffetrent aspects of our continually growing repertoire and you will also hear the band in different smaller settings.

More infos about the concerts here.

Album Release

''Romantic Symmetry' the new album from my band 'Comprovisition' will be out on JUNE 3rd on JazzWerkstatt Records.

Listen to one of the main tracks 'Romantische Ballade' here.

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